Cosmogonic Conceptions of the Udmurt People in Naming Stars and Their Images in Folklore


  • Tatiana Vladykina


stars, stars in folklore, cosmogonic concepts, naming of stars, charms, triad of heavenly bodies, the Udmurt people


The cosmogonic concepts of the Udmurt people can be detected through the names of stars, the names of which are usually based on mythological cognition. Additional and very significant information about space objects is contained in folklore texts. The images of stars are included in a stable triad of heavenly bodies along with the sun and moon. Their constant feature is ‘bright’ light, opposed to images of negative energy, forces of darkness – diseases or sorcerers. Therefore, images of stars are frequently used in charms, where they are presented as an insurmountable barrier to those who do evil. The stars, along with the sun and moon, became metaphors and comparisons in the song culture, prayers and charms of the Udmurt people. They are used as analogies in the characterization of family and kinship ties, testifying the relationships within the clan. The stars and constellations, when seen as symbols of unattainability and indivisibility, are a kind of guarantor of stability of the world.

Author Biography

  • Tatiana Vladykina

    Department of Research in Philology, Udmurt Institute of History, Language and Literature, UdmFRC UB RAS, Izhevsk, Russia

